Thursday, January 28, 2010


Of course this is a post about Nixon. Truly there's not much else going on in our lives right now. Sorry. :)

This is Nixon taking a nap in the back seat of
Zac's parents' suburban. We were on our way home from Rexburg, ID.

Same trip, just doing his usual head cuddle on Zac's shoulder.

I, Sarah, recently taught Nixon to crawl. He will crawl for a fairly long distance, but only on carpet. I'm fairly certain it's uncomfortable and painful for him to crawl on the wood and tile. Also, he can't get as good of a grip to push himself along when it's a hard, smooth surface.
This is Nixon on Christmas night, 3 days after surgery. He is wearing the ace bandage around his neck to protect the fentanyl patch, which was administering wonderful amounts of pain relief through his skin.

Haha! Of course, Nixon peeking over the edge of the bed. He's such a weirdee sometimes. You can't help but love him.

Now, I suggest we do a little before and after. (For all of you who care. Ha, that's probably only me, but we'll do it for the sake of things.) Nixon and Harvey (the black dog) then.

Nixon and Harvey now. Allow me to clear up any confusion you may have. Harvey did NOT shrink.

To finish up, I propose we end with two moments when Nixon is the sweetest. (In his sleep.)

The first, in the back of the car. The Rexburg trip really took it out of him. (Of course he's sleeping with his head on the pillow, don't all civilized dogs?)

And second, our little baby boy, in Keaton's arms, after a long day of home renovations. He was exhausted. (And so tiny!)

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