Tuesday, April 13, 2010


A post to say the only thing I have time to these days, I passed.

I passed the last praxis test that I have to take. Pretty much the last hurdle that I had to overcome before being a teacher. (Aside from graduation. Ha.)

Sadly, that is the end of my post. My head hurts too much these days. Thankfully the passing Praxis news relieved some of the ache.


karlee said...

good for you sarah!!! How much longer do you have left? I can't believe this little slacker at school (sleeping rather than going to sigh at what? 1:00 in the afternoon!) is going to be a teacher.. how ironic.
But I'm thrilled for you.

Manda Lynn said...

if this whole post was my heart....

from all the way down here...

THATS how much i love you. yup.