Wow, its been a while, I know. There s snow everywhere in Logan, and it does not threaten to leave anytime soon, not that leaving would be a threat to me. The snow is wonderful.. for a day. This is the wonderful thing about St. George (oh, how I miss thee), it doesn't snow often, so when it does, everyone is stoked. Then it leaves within the next few days. Gone. No trudging in the slush or trying to drive to school when you can't see the lines on the road.
Enough about my relationship with the snow. Nixon loves it! He goes crazy in the snow, rolling and jumping everywhere. Oh! Post script, Nixon got hit by a car 2 weeks ago. Long story, but he hurt his back leg, limped around forever, and now he is all better. Between the limping and the all better, there were pain meds. Nixon loves pain meds. :)
And continuing to another subject. Michelle took fun pictures for us down in Salt Lake a week ago. It was freezing, but we still had a great time. She did a great job, here's a sample of the pics. Before you look at the pictures, I must warn - I am NOT PREGNANT. Despite what it might look like in one of these pictures, I'm not 'trying' to tell you anything. Ok... continue.
excuse me! You were in down town SLC LAST week and you DIDN'T call me!? There better be a good reason for this. Because I live 3 minutes away from down town.. right where one of those pictures was taken to be exact.
You have some explaining to do.
Sarah are you trying to tell me you are pregnant? Ha Ha just kidding. Hope you have fun in St.G. Think of me up here in the freezing cold. Have a great break.
ok, ok.. I forgive you. I'm a bad friend too.. I hardley ever call anyone when I go to STG. I'd so much rather spend time with my family.
I sometimes feel bad when I talk to steph and she tells me how she talks to EVERYONE because I never call anyone. It doesn't mean that I love you less alright? I love you just the same even if we never chat.
Your comment was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh dear.
Sarah those pictures are so cute! She did a great job. I loved the Christmas card.
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