Monday, July 27, 2009

Breaking and Entering

Yesterday Zac and I decided that we would go on a nice Sunday hike with Nixon. As Zac is walking out the front door he locks the handle, I made sure the back door was locked and then went to walk out the front door. I noticed he had locked the handle already and figured he wouldn't have locked it without taking his keys... so I didn't grab mine. WRONG. Just as I am walking around the side of the garage I see Zac and Nixon walking back from the car. Zac asks me if I have my keys. Nope. So we check all of the windows to see if there was any chance we left one unlocked. I knew there was no way we would have left one of the downstairs windows unlocked, but the windows upstairs are usually unlocked. Indeed they were. All of them, in fact. Too bad they are all 20 feet above the ground. So Zac hoisted me up onto the overhang above our door. I climbed up, took the screen off and slid the window open. I climbed in through the blinds and right onto the desk knocking over our pens and pencils. So I wasn't very quiet and probably wouldn't make a great thief, but I did make it into the house. Moral of this story, never trust anyone else to have keys. Always take your own. :)

1 comment:

karlee said...

How I miss you Sarah! It's a good thing you both are tall. Orrin and I would never have made that situation work.